Dr. Roshansa Singh
- General Otolaryngologist
- Sleep/OSA Surgeon
Dr. Singh is a general otolaryngologist who practices the breadth of head and neck surgery, welcoming all ages. She obtained her bachelor’s degree from Cornell University and her medical degree from Rutgers New Jersey Medical School. She completed her residency training at the University of Connecticut. Dr. Singh enjoys developing a close relationship with her patients and working to identify, treat, and improve problems through shared decision making.
In her free time, Dr. Singh enjoys spending time outdoors with family, reading, hiking, ultimate frisbee, and cooking.
Locations Where Roshansa Singh Practices
Where Roshansa Singh Practices
Roshansa Singh Treats
Roshansa Singh Performs
- Adenoidectomy
- Excision Branchial Cleft Cyst
- I&D Peritonsillar Abscess
- Lymph Node Excisional or Incisional Biopsy
- Neck Dissection
- Parathyroidectomy
- Parotidectomy
- Submandibulectomy
- Thyroglossal Duct Excision
- Thyroidectomy
- Tonsillectomy
- Tracheostomy
- Biologic Prescription/Injections
- ENT Allergy-Subcutaneous Immunotherapy (SCIT)
- ENT Allergy-Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT)
- Skin Environmental Allergy Testing
- Bronchoscopy
- Direct Laryngoscopy
- Esophagoscopy
- Excision Lesions of the Vocal Cords
- Laryngoscopy, Flexible
- Laser Resurfacing of the Vocal Cords
- Vocal Cord Injection Medialization
- Eustachian Tube Balloon Dilation
- I&D Auricular Hematoma
- Intratympanic Steroid Injection
- Myringotomy w/Tympanostomy Tube Insertion (ear tubes)
- Osseointegrated Device Implant (Baha or Ponto)
- Tympanoplasty
- Branchial Cleft Excision
- Lip Frenulectomy
- Myringotomy w/Tympanostomy Tube Insertion
- Sinus Surgery
- Sublingual Frenulectomy
- Thyroglossal Duct Cyst Excision
- Tonsillectomy, Adenoidectomy
- Tympanoplasty
- Acute Facial Fractures (other than nasal)
- Rhinoplasty
- Dacryocystorhinostomy
- Excision Nasal/Sinus tumors
- Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS)
- In-Office Nasal Drainage Treatment w/Cryoablation-Clarifix Procedure
- In-Office Nasal Valve Remodeling-VivAer Procedure
- In-office Balloon Sinuplasty
- Nasal Artery Ligation for Epistaxis
- Removal of Nasal Foreign Body
- Septoplasty
- Transsphenoidal Hypophysectomy
- Turbinate Reduction
- Expansion Sphincter Pharyngoplasty (ESP)
- Inspire Procedure
- Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty